Is it just me, or was 2021 a total blur?
I had such high hopes and so many intentions for 2021; now the year is done, but my projects are NOT.
And I can’t catch up, no matter how much I accomplish each day, each week, and each month.
When I feel this way, I’m tempted to climb in bed and burrow under the covers to hide from both my To Do list and my calendar.
But that’s not a great option, so instead, I take a deep breath, take a step back, and take a moment to reorganize and reprioritize my daily schedule.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Lao Tzu
I love this quote!
It reminds me to take life one goal, one project, one stitch at a time.
I need this reminder more now than ever, so to keep this concept front and center in my mind, I decided to make it our 2022 Quilt 2 End ALZ theme of the year…
One Stitch at a Time
Each of us will apply this theme in unique ways — ways that fit what we need, personally.
For me, taking life “one stitch at a time” means focusing on a few critical changes:
- Slowing down and embracing each moment
- Saying “I can’t at this time” even when I want to take on everything for everyone
- Giving myself grace when the day gets past me too quickly or elements outside of my control get in the way of my progress
- Creating realistic plans rather than outlining more than I could ever expect to finish
- Turning work off each evening to truly enjoy my time with family and friends
These changes sound great, but how do they look in action?
Well, my work days revolve around sewing, writing, and Alzheimer’s advocacy, so I have been brainstorming for ways to incorporate my goals into each of these “hats” that I wear.
I’m being very deliberate about which Alzheimer’s advocacy events and projects I take on over the next year. Instead of doing everything that comes my way, I’m focusing on three specific tasks: our Quilt 2 End ALZ guild presentations, my role as Board Chairman for the Alzheimer’s Association Oklahoma Chapter, and being a visible soldier in the battle to end ALZ so that others can see how they, too, can help create a world without Alzheimer’s disease.
I’ve restructured my publishing calendar to create space to enjoy the success that my first novel, Grocery Girl, has experienced and taking my time to finish Book 2 without feeling forced to meet an immediate deadline. When I decided to pursue my dream of being an author, I was writing from a place of happiness. Feeling pressured to spit out books on a tight timeline took away the pleasure of sharing my stories. Stretching out the schedule lifted a tremendous weight and reawakened my passion for storytelling.
My quilting projects are what I’m most excited to take “one stitch at a time” this year! I’ve sorted all of my UFO’s (unfinished objects), and I have a system in place for tackling the stack. I am sewing and sharing our first Q2EA Block of the Month project, Fleeting, and I am thrilled to see the plans come together for our first TLD retreat which is taking place this summer.
I’m also determined to stay in touch with our Q2EA community and engage with fellow quilters in our Facebook group, Quilting to Mend the Mind. Hearing your stories, seeing your quilt projects, and spending time together is the best encouragement and motivation! It’s the perfect reminder that we are not alone in facing life, both the challenging and the fabulous 💜
I’d love to hear what “one stitch at a time” means to you!
What changes will bring you peace and joy, and how will those adjustments look in your quilting life?
I look forward to hearing from you and reading your answers…
Here’s to 2022 🥳
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