Happy February and happy release day for block two of the 2022 Block of the Month!
January was crazy busy for me and thus I am happy to report that this month’s block is mercifully simple.
Taking things “One Stitch at a Time” has been tricky these last few weeks, but any progress is still good progress, right? And a simpler block sounds much more manageable to start February off strong.
Like many of my patterns, this block plays a lot with positive and negative space (lights and darks in this instance), giving these more “basic” shapes room to breathe and really feel bold in their simplicity.
For the Month of Love, my goal is to use our “One Stitch at a Time” theme to really focus on relationships – romantic relationships, familial relationships, friendships, even work relationships. Taking the time to compliment a co-worker on great work; drying the dishes while my fiancé washes them instead of getting in bed right away; texting long distance friends just to say “hi.” I tend to move through the day so quickly, really just treading water at this point, that those small opportunities to connect float right by.
I’d also like to show my quilting self a little love and snag a few more moments on my sewing machine than I’ve been able to so far this year. I’m currently in the process of organizing my somewhat large fabric stash, so TBD on that front – I’ll let you know how it goes next month.
Download the pattern for block 2 here!
I hope that making this block brings a few moments of calm for you and your sewing machine and that you have a February full of love!
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